Email Tracking

Send follow up email at specific time of the day

Send follow up at a specific time of the day

You can choose to send your follow-ups at a specific time of the day.

Here is how to do that:

Send at a specific time:

You can choose to send your follow up at a specific hour of the day, for example, 1:00 PM.

This works how you would expect: If you send your first email at 3PM on Monday, and then two days later you set a follow up for 1PM, it will send the follow up at 1PM on Wednesday.

Time zone

You can also customize the time zone it will send at. If you don't select a time zone, it will use the default time zone for you. You can edit your default time zone from the settings page:

Skip weekends

You can configure your follow up emails to never be sent on the weekend.

If you check the box "skip weekends?", and a follow-up email falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then Pigeon will wait until Monday to send the email.