Getting Started With Pigeon

A short tutorial on how to get started.


How to add, edit, customize, and delete fields inside Gmail using Pigeon.

View details of your leads directly alongside emails.

Your data is directly integrated with your emails.

Email Templates

Spend less time on email with canned templates.

Advanced Google Drive Features

Generate Google Drive Files with Pigeon

Set sequences from Gmail reply box.

Set sequences, follow ups, and reminders from Gmail reply box.

Pigeon Compose Widget

Add entries to Pigeon while composing emails!

View auto follow ups from Gmail sidebar

Set and have context on when you're following up with your leads.

Automatically update lead status in sequence builder

Automatically update lead status in sequence builder

Custom date formatting in sequence templates

Customize date variables a million ways.

From Email Formatting

Quick access to all your data.

Use the Pigeon Helper to quickly navigate and find your data.

Click tracking

Track when your links are clicked.

Automated follow ups

Automated follow ups inside Gmail

Remind yourself to follow up.

Set manual reminders to follow up, simply by typing '1 week from now'

Send follow up email at specific time of the day

Now you can specify what time of the say you want to send your follow up.

Reply Regardless

Send email follow up no matter if the recipient responds.

Pigeon Email Analytics

Analyze sent, open, and click rate for you all your sequences.

Pigeon for Teams

Collaborate with members of your team!

Unsubscribe link

Add unsubscribe link to your emails


How entries work in Pigeon


How collections work in Pigeon.

Email Tracking

Track when your emails were read and clicked.

Stay organized with Saved Views

Save views of your Pigeon dashboards.

Import your data into Pigeon

Importing is as simple as copying and pasting

Search entries

Search entries

Automated follow up replies with quoted text

Your automated follow ups look realer than ever.

Sequence Batching

Spread out sequences with large mail merge campaigns.

Send test sequence

Have confidence your sequences work!